Emergency Dentist in Liverpool

Urgent Dental Care

Are you looking for the best emergency dentist in Liverpool? You have just found the best you can ever get. Dental accidents can happen at any time, and you can’t always wait to have a broken or cracked tooth fixed.

But what happens when the chronic condition reaches a crisis point in the middle of the night, on weekends, or on a holiday? That is why you need to know that here at Pall Mall Dental, we also provide effective dental cares outside office working hours to the entire Liverpool area.

emergency dentist Liverpool

We Provide Dental Care When You Needed It Most

When you need an emergency dentist in Liverpool, you can always count on us at Pall Mall Dental for the best and immediate urgent dental care. You only need to contact us and explain the situation to us. From there, we will tell you what to do to begin with the care you need to be comfortable, safe, and healthy.

We have experienced professionals and dentists that can attend to any dental condition. We have treated several dental issues and we are presently regarded as one of the leading dental care proviers in Liverpool.

We work outside of working hours, including alternative weekends, so you don’t have to worry even if your crisis arises in the middle of the night. You can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Our payment plans are flexible and we boast of very competitive treatment costs.

The safety and health of our patients is our priority. That is why many residents of Liverpool have considered us as their reliable family dentist. Next time you need an emergency dentist, don’t forget to reach out to us for the right help you needed.

Get in touch

    Child Suffering Toothache?

    Emergency Dentist in Liverpool for Children Dr. Andy Healy is both compassionate and experienced with kids, which makes it easy to provide the same quality of care during an emergency that you expect during regular visits. Is your child having persistent tooth pain, you should call for emergency dental care. Look out for food particles between the teeth and try a thorough brushing and flossing. If your child still feels pain, it’s possible it could be an abscess, and that requires urgent care as it could be life-threatening. Some of the things that can cause an abscess are:
    • Tooth decay
    • Gum disease
    • Dental trauma
    Let us help your child get over this emergency while we also provide a follow up to find the root cause of the problem and prevent its reoccurrence.